Advanced Micro-Econometric modeling in Stata

Objective of the course

This intensive course, is aimed at equipping participants with skills in advanced Micro-econometric modeling. This course is an extension of the introduction course with the following key additions; panel data analysis, impact analysis, extended large datasets and advanced steps of building micro-simulation models in Stata. The course in intended for participants who intend to advanced their skills in advanced modeling and impact analysis. This course is good for policy makers, researchers, students of applied economics and institution that use econometric modeling and impact analysis. The course is based on the use of STATA software and makes use of both cross-sectional and panel data. The course also introduces the concepts of probability based models and also STATA codes required for policy analysis. However, it is plausible for prospectus participants to have had exposure to the theory of econometrics like classical assumptions of OLS and more. The details of the course, include;

  • Introduction to advanced statistics, data collection and processing in Stata
  • Importing panel data from excel to Stata software
  • Advanced Stata codes for econometric modeling
  • Advanced skills in data tabulation and descriptive statistics
  • Advanced data cleaning and preparation for modeling
  • Introduction to random effect and fixed effect models in Stata
  • Advanced skills in Quantitative analysis using panel data
  • Impact analysis using panel data modeling in Stata
  • Regression modeling and residual tests in Stata
  • Advanced skills in step-by-step building of econometric models in the Stata-do file
  • Policy simulation and interpretation of results

Mode of delivery
The advanced micro-econometric modeling course is an extension of the introduction course. This is an intensive hands-on training requiring participants to attend all the training sessions. Participants will work in groups and shall be expected to make a presentation of their simulations results on the last day of the training workshop. Each participant is expected to come with his/her own individual laptop and mouse. For the online option, each participant is expected to submit answers to assignments on time to allow the course end within the specified period as extension could come with facilitation costs. Click here to apply or email application on or